Facebook Post Guide

1. Connect to Facebook

Link your Facebook Business pages to Outfy and begin promoting with captivating content crafted by Outfy. See how to - Connect Facebook account and pages

2. Facebook Settings

You are on the Networks page. Your Facebook account and page is connected to Outfy - it will show under the Facebook Tab.

Facebook Settings

First things first, you can expand or contract the Facebook section by clicking on this arrow.

Facebook Settings

When you expand it, the first thing you will see is a button that allows you to disconnect Facebook from your network shares. Below the disconnect button is a drop down that lists all the Facebook pages connected to your store.

In addition, you will see the settings for Facebook posts - these allow you to share four kinds of Facebook posts, i.e., a link post, a link and multiple images post, a single image post, and a multiple images post.

Facebook Settings

Under this section of the kind of posts you can create is a link that takes you to a section that allows you to Manage Post Templates.

Note: Post templates are formats you can use to create, manage and share posts in a social network easily. You will find a guide to Manage Post Templates here.

3. Types of Facebook posts

Post as a link

Your Facebook post can be just a link - as shown in this screenshot.

Post As Link

A link post with a single image is clickable on all parts of the post. When clicked, it will take the visitor to the linked part of your store. To post as a link with a single image, choose the link option in the Facebook part of connected networks.

Post as a link with multiple images

Your Facebook post can be a link with multiple images that the visitor can slide to and fro using the arrow keys - as shown in this screenshot

Post Multiple Images

A link post with multiple images has a clickable link for each image. When you click on the area under each image, it will take the visitor to the linked part of your store. To post as a link with multiple images, choose the link and share multiple images option in the Facebook part of connected networks.

Post as a photo/image

Your Facebook post can be a single image with a link in the caption that the visitor can click to visit that part of the store.

Post As Image

To post a single image post, choose the image option in the Facebook part of connected networks.

Post as multiple photo/images

Your Facebook post can be a collage type post, i.e., multiple images arranged in an album type format.

Post as multiple photo/images

To post multiple images at once, choose the image and multiple image option in the Facebook part of connected networks.

Post as story(image/video)

Turn your post into a Facebook Story—a temporary visual post (image or video) that lasts for 24 hours. It's perfect for sharing promotional content and engaging dynamically with your customers in an ephemeral format.

Facebook Stories

To post as a Story, simply select the Story option on the Share page under Facebook. With Outfy, you can effortlessly share images or videos as engaging Facebook Stories.

Facebook Stories Post

4. Content types for posting

You can use Outfy to create different kinds of promotional content and post it on Facebook. The kinds of content you can create with Outfy are product posts, promotional collages, animated GIFs, and videos. You can also use Outfy to automate content creation and posting using SmartQ. Now, to help you use Outfy for Facebook easily, let's get into each aspect of content creation and posting on Facebook.

Product Posts

Outfy can help you pick products from your store (My Products page) and post them to your audience on Facebook.


Outfy can help you pick products from your store, create collages (Collage page) using them, and post this content to your audience on Facebook. We have a guide that takes you through the steps for doing this here.

Animated GIFs

Outfy can help you create Animated GIFs (Animated GIFs page) and post them to your audience on Facebook. We have a guide that takes you through the steps for doing this here.


Outfy can help you pick products from your store, create videos (Videos page) using them, and post this content to your audience on Facebook. We have a guide that takes you through the steps for doing this here.

5. When to post

You can use Outfy to schedule your posts on Facebook either immediately or at a future date. In fact, Outfy can help you save time by taking care of your scheduling needs most efficiently. Permit us to show you how.


To post content immediately on Facebook, just go to the piece of created content and use the interface to share it on Facebook.

Schedule for later

To post content on Facebook later, you can use the schedule later on Facebook interface under Networks or do it via the Planner.

6. Automate through SmartQ

As mentioned earlier, the kinds of content you can create with Outfy are product posts, promotional collages, animated GIFs, and videos. What's more, Outfy can automate content creation and post the same for you on Facebook using SmartQ. We have guides to help you use SmartQ here.