How to create professional videos?

1. Professional Videos

Videos are engaging. When done well, they attract audiences. That's why, your promotions need video. Happily, Outfy has created an easy-to-use video creator for you. This quick and easy How to Outfy Video Creator Guide will help you make the most of it.

When you log in, you will find Videos option to your left. The screencap shows you exactly where.

Professional Videos

2. Do it yourself or Upload or Autopilot

Use the video creator to create a video or upload one from your computer or let Autopilot create a video for you. Here is the Autopilot a Video Guide.

Do it yourself or Upload or Autopilot

Single Product Video

If you choose to create a single product video, pick/add a product from your store and go to Step 6.

Multiple Product Video

If you choose to create a multiple product video, pick/add the products you want to use (you may add a maximum of five) and go to Step 6.

Upload a video

If you already have a video you want to share, upload it to your store and share.

3. Choose a template

Once you've picked a product (or products) for your video, choose a template for it. There are many. Take your pick. Outfy will now begin creating your video.

Choose a template

To begin with, a low resolution video is created, which you edit. What is shared, finally, is a high resolution video.

4. Edit, Share, Trash

You can do multiple things - edit, share, or trash - to the video Outfy has created. Let's look at Edit and its steps.

5. Edit your video

To edit your video, you can add logo, music, background, change templates, fonts, and text. Let's look at each of them, briefly.


If you want to add music to your video, you have many choices - for example, Northern Lights or Cloudy, to name two. Take your pick.

Video music


Want to add a background to your video? You have no dearth of options - patterns, plains, and more. Take your pick.

Video background


If you want to change the template, press the 'change' button shown in the screencap and choose.

Videos Templates


Would you like your text to be in a different font? No problem. As the screencap reveals, you have multiple options. You decide.

Video Fonts


To change the message on your video, type your text here. With this, you have completed all the editing steps. Now, preview your video.

6. Share your Video

If you like your video, share it on a social media network, along with a short (ideally, not more than 30 words) message. You may also schedule it for later and decide how many times you want it to be shared. Happy Sharing!